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Informal meeting for festivals and music markets @ Visa for Music

ENG: This informal meet up is ONLY for festivals and music markets.  We would bring together festivals and music markets from around the world to get to connect and share. The meeting is co-hosted by the Forum of Worldwide Festivals.

You are a festival or music market organizer interested in new players? Looking for colleagues in other continents? Eager for new ideas, collaborations and brilliant solutions? Then you should be here! After a quick introduction you will be free to connect and meet your future partners! 

FR: Cette rencontre informelle est UNIQUEMENT réservée aux festivals et aux marchés de musique. Nous  réunissons festivals et marchés de musique pour mieux se connaître et partager leur savoir faire. La réunion est co-organisée par le Forum of Worldwide Festivals.

When: 21th November at 12.00 -13.30

Where: Institut Cervantes  - Rue Madnine 5, 20100 Rabat 

More information: Check here


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