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AFFICHE EFWMF agadir in English BD VAAgadir is hosting the annual meeting of the most important network of world music festivals, held for the first time in a southern country, next September.

Finally! For the first time the annual meeting of the most important federation of world music festivals is being held in a southern country, in this same part of the world that provides the vast majority of artists invited to perform in festivals located for the most part in northern countries. Agadir is hosting from the 20th until the 23rd of September 2012 the European Forum of Worldwide Music Festivals (EFWMF), a network of festivals sharing the vision that “the world is a patchwork of a multitude of local traditions and music, each different in expression and content yet equal in value”.

With organisations from more than 20 countries, Timitar and about 50 other members constitute this biggest network of independent world music festivals. Founded in 1991 and having just blown its 20th candle, the EFWMF attracts each year over 3 million visitors to its festivals. Its actions are relayed worldwide not only through its members, but also through formal and informal networks, foundations and representations of the music export offices in partner countries.

The EFWMF is present in most of the international forums on music. The primary concerns of the EFWMF are artistic and artistically related issues. Although interaction between members - including sharing of information, experiences and contacts - is the core activity, EFWMF pursues an array of other activities such as the movement of artists (export, visas, tour management…). The EFWMF continuously seeks to facilitate and intensify links to non-European festivals and other networks within the world music community.

Based on tolerance and cultural exchange, and driven by the same concerns, the EFWMF has lately opened up to not only European festivals but to any festival organisers with a worldwide, or at least a clear trans-national approach. EFWMF is presenting music in the genre of world, ethnic, traditional, folk and roots music… In this regard, the EFWMF has developed the WOMEX (World Music Expo), the biggest market for world music, as well as the establishment of Strictly Mundial, an alternative market for world music.

By hosting the 3-day long annual meeting of the EFWMF, Agadir is demonstrating that besides being a highly touristic seaside resort, it is also a dynamic cultural destination particularly through its music, drawing on the musical richness of the whole region. Timitar has been sharing this wealth with all the Moroccans and worldwide. This cultural showcase of the Souss Massa Draâ region will celebrate in 2013 its 10-year landmark. The general assembly of the EFWMF is a great opportunity for its members to discover the rich cultural diversity of the region. Thus Agadir is honoured to host these festival organisers from Norway, Holland, France, Belgium, Brazil, Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, Italy…

Festival Timitar 

Art Dir : Brahim EL MAZNED

BP 6047 Anza 80002 Agadir Maroc




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